During the first semester registration, I went to Mr Anae office for course advice and he sent me to seek the advice from Mr Kale. Then Mr E. Kale registered me to take a BI 424 Biotechnology. I attend class for some weeks at least three weeks and then Mr J. Anae informed Mrs Hungito to again change the course again. So Mrs Hungito called me into her office and we tried to get the situation down by putting me back to take plant physiology again by Mr Anae who told me to sift a course again to take BI 335 plant physiology. I already registered with the biotechnology class and did a practical, assignment with Dr Shakel.

Lately as Mr.J. Anae called me to his office and told me to change the course to plant physiology and he registered me to take plant physiology. I was late for the class after some weeks but I followed his advice and take plant physiology BI 335.
However, I was late to catch up with the plant physiology class and I struggled very hard to catch up with the class because they were beyond some units of learning.

I worked very hard taking notes, reading through the lecture notes but without the explanation from the tutor or lecture, I didn't fully understand some notes. Because the course itself dealing with cellular function needs thorough explanation to understand the concepts. Therefore, as they moved on with new lectures, I tried my best to catch up with previous lectures and tried my best to understand till semester ends putting me pressure with test, assignment, practical and exams for BI 335 and other courses as well and I scored the lowest. I can say that, if I was fully attend class from the beginning, I can at least topped up that 2% dropped to get a 50% and can pass the course but because I was late due to the above situation, I didn't attend the class and failed the course BI 335.

One factor that affects my whole semester learning was a Time Table clash between two courses are EN/BI 481 and BI 335. Please refer to the attached time table highlights for clash. I sometimes put myself in pressure whether to attend BI 481 or BI 335. Many times came late leaving the BI 481Class in the middle of the lecture and standing outside of the SL to attend the BI 335 because too many crowded students taking BI 335 and space or seats are limited for few students to sit.

I registered very late with BI 335 and then also late for class and lectures while some students already learned enough and understand the concepts of the course. As I registered late with BI 335, I tried to overload my brain with plant physiology notes but I didn't catch up fully because I am a slow learning student takes time to understand the concepts.

Therefore I scored 48% and fall short of 2% to make it up to 50% to pass the course so I failed the BI 335 course because of the above reasons. So please I ask your good wisdom and knowledge and understanding to given me an opportunity to make use again to do supplementary Exam or test to pass the course again because this is my final year and students are preparing to go to IT and TP, I will be late because there's no time.

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1 answer

During the first semester registration, I went to Mr. Anae's office for course advice and he sent me to seek advice from Mr. Kale. Then, Mr. E. Kale registered me to take BI 424 Biotechnology. I attended class for some weeks, at least three weeks, and then Mr. J. Anae informed Mrs. Hungito to again change the course. Mrs. Hungito called me into her office and we tried to settle the situation by putting me back to take plant physiology again by Mr. Anae, who told me to switch courses to take BI 335 plant physiology. I had already registered for the biotechnology class and had done practicals and assignments with Dr. Shakel.

Later, Mr. J. Anae called me to his office and told me to switch courses to plant physiology. He then registered me to take plant physiology. I was late for the class after a few weeks, but I followed his advice and took plant physiology BI 335. However, I struggled to catch up with the plant physiology class as they were ahead in their learning units.

I worked very hard, taking notes and reading through the lecture notes, but without explanation from the tutor or lecturer, I didn't fully understand some of the concepts. The course itself dealt with cellular function, which required thorough explanation to grasp the concepts. As they continued with new lectures, I tried my best to catch up with previous lectures and understand the material until the semester ended, putting me under pressure with tests, assignments, practicals, and exams for BI 335 and other courses as well. I ended up scoring the lowest grade.

I believe that if I had attended class from the beginning, I could have at least topped up the 2% that I fell short of to get a 50% and pass the course. However, due to the aforementioned situations, I failed the BI 335 course.

One factor that affected my learning throughout the semester was a timetable clash between two courses: EN/BI 481 and BI 335. Please refer to the attached timetable highlights for the clash. I often found myself in a dilemma on whether to attend BI 481 or BI 335. Many times, I arrived late, leaving the BI 481 class in the middle of the lecture to attend BI 335, as the latter was overcrowded and had limited seating.

I registered late for BI 335 and was late for class and lectures, while some students had already grasped the concepts of the course. As a slow learner, it took me longer to understand the material. Despite trying to overload my brain with plant physiology notes, I failed to catch up fully, leading to a score of 48% - falling short of 2% to pass the course.

Therefore, I kindly request your understanding and permission to allow me to take a supplementary exam or test to pass the course again. This is my final year, and if I miss this opportunity, I will be delayed in progressing to further studies.