During the 1890s local storekeepers protested rural free delivery by the Post Office becaue they feared competition from mail-order businesses that offered a greater variety of goods at lower prices. Describe the challenges faced by local storeowners today. how are they similar to the challenges faced by local storekeepers in the 1890s.
The local store owners have very different challenges compared to the 1890’s. The scope and nature of the challenges has changed dramatically since 1890.
The primary challenge for the survival of the local store owners are the huge discounters & department stores where customer’s go for one stop shopping. For example, if I have a local store in my neighborhood that sells grocery items and I have to shop for grocery, some garments and some other things, where would I go? I would go to Wal-mart. There I will find everything under one roof plus since they are huge volume chain, the prices are much cheaper compared to the local stores. For example, if my local store is selling a can of coke for $1.00, at Wal-mart I can buy a 12 pack coke of can for $2.99. The local stores require a lot more profit on their items because they are not buying in the bulk quantity as Wal-mart or Costco or any other club is buying.
The local stores are also facing competition from the mail order companies in today’s environment. Even though the U.S postal service is not delivering for free but the large mail order companies are shipping free of cost or very nominal cost to the customer to attract the volume.
The local stores also face internet shopping challenge. A customer can just go on their computer on the internet and shop practically anything from any where in the world and have it delivered to their door steps.
All the above challenges almost if not completely eliminated the concept of local grocery stores for example.
please tell me what i can add or subtract from this
1 answer
2. "The primary challenge for the survival of the local store owners..."
That's very PC of you, but better wording might be this: The primary threat to the survival of the local store owners...
There's a big difference between a challenge and a threat.
3. Spell out "and" -- no short-cuts!
4. "customer's" indicates that there's one customer who owns something. No? Then get rid of the apostrophe when you are writing a straight plural noun form.
5. By "coke" do you mean Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola or one of the generics? Surely you're not referring to cocaine which also has a nickname of "coke" -- right?
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