During high tide the water depth in a harbour is 22 m and during low tide it is 10m(Assume a 12h cycle).

Calculate the times at which the water level is at 18m during the first 24 hours.

My solution:
first I found the cos equation: H(t)=-6cos(π/6t)+16
Let π/6t=Θ

Then I don't know what's next....

2 answers

H(t)=-6\cos(\frac{\pi}{6} t)+16
cosΘ < 0 in QII and QIII
arccos(-1/3) = 1.91 = pi-1.23
or pi+1.23 = 4.37

So, t = (6/pi) * (1.91 or 4.37)
t = 3.64 or 8.35 hours