During an action potential, Na^+ ions move into the cell at a rate of about 3x10^-7 mol/m^2*s.
How much power must be produced by the "active Na^+ pumping" system to produce this flow against a +30-mV potential difference? Assume that the axon is 40cm long and 30um in diameter.
Please help me out I am lost. Thanks
Physics please help - drwls, Sunday, February 10, 2013 at 12:52pm
I am not familiar with the terminology. How can a "potential" be an event or a time interval?
Power = (current) x (voltage)
The voltage is apparently 30*10^-3 V
Convert the 3x10^-7 mol/(m^2*s) to
1 mole of Na+ ions contains 6.02*10^23 ions with a charge of 9.63*10^4 Coulombs. Your ion flux is 2.89*10^-2 Amps/m^2
Multiply that by the appropriate axon area.
Please help am still stuck on this one I cant get the right answer!