during a meeting with a small group of students. You can revisit the Think About It exercise to get some ideas.

Use this area to write down your team's ideas for Internet Safety Rules.

1 answer

1. Always obtain permission from a parent or guardian before sharing personal information online.

2. Do not interact with strangers online or give out any personal information, such as your address or phone number.

3. Be mindful of the content you post on social media and make sure it does not compromise your safety or reputation.

4. Keep your passwords secure and never share them with anyone, not even your friends.

5. Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading files from unknown sources, as they may contain viruses or malware.

6. Report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior online to a trusted adult or authority figure.

7. Avoid meeting up with someone you have only met online without first informing a parent or guardian and arranging to meet in a public place.

8. Respect others' privacy online and refrain from sharing or reposting their personal information without their consent.

9. Think before you post, comment, or share anything online, as once it's out there, it's hard to take back.

10. Stay informed about the latest internet safety tips and updates to ensure you are protecting yourself online.