During a lighting discharge, 30C of charge move through a potential difference of 1.0 X 10^8V in 2.0X10^-2s. The energy released by this lighting bolt is:

a)1.5 X 10^11 J
b) 3.0 X 10^9 J
c) 6.0 X 10^7 J
d) 3.3 X 10^6 J
e) 1500 J

Ok I am not really sure what equation to use for this problem. I went through the equations and I still am not sure.

What is an electron volt is:

My answer:
is a unit of energy. It is the amount of kinetic energy gained by a single unbound electron when it passes through an electrostatic potential difference of one volt

Thank you for any help

Your definition of an electron volt is correct.
The answer to the multiple-choice problem is (b) (Energy = voltage x charge)