1. Fairly similar cohesive group start: Groupthink is more likely to occur when members of a group are already similar in background, ideology, or social status. This can create a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding within the group, making it easier for them to conform to a singular mindset. For example, in a corporate team comprised of employees who all come from the same educational background and have similar work experience, group members may be inclined to agree with each other's ideas without critically evaluating them.
2. Strong, directive leader: A strong and directive leader can also contribute to groupthink by enforcing their own opinions and discouraging dissenting views within the group. This can result in a lack of diverse perspectives being considered and lead to a situation where group members feel pressured to conform to the leader's viewpoint. For instance, in a military unit with a commanding officer who is known for his authoritarian leadership style, subordinates may feel hesitant to voice their concerns or offer alternative solutions.
3. Groups are isolated from others: When a group is isolated from external influences and perspectives, they are more likely to fall into the trap of groupthink. This insularity can prevent members from considering alternative viewpoints and solutions, as they are only exposed to opinions and ideas within their own group. For example, a team working on a project in a remote location with limited access to outside feedback may be more susceptible to groupthink as they do not have the opportunity to seek input from other sources.
4. Group regard themselves as superior: When a group perceives themselves as superior to others, they may become overconfident in their decisions and more resistant to outside criticism. This sense of arrogance can prevent group members from questioning their own assumptions and biases, leading to a narrowing of perspectives and a tendency to dismiss conflicting viewpoints. For instance, a group of academics who believe they are experts in their field may disregard inputs from industry professionals or practitioners, leading to a lack of innovation and critical thinking.
Dsicuss the following factors that encourage groupthink and provide practical examples :
1. Fairly similar cohesive group start
2. Strong, directive leader
3. Groups are isolated from others
4. Group regard themselves as superior
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