Draw two ER diagrams for the enterprise described below: one using standard (Chen) notation (that one is hw #2), and one using ordered pair (Merise) notation (this one being hw #3). Indicate clearly which is which. Remember to indicate keys and relationship classifications in the diagram. Use your common sense on any classifications that aren't made explicit in the specs. Don't add any more ingredients than are described here. If you can, use software (e.g., MS-Visio, freeware or Paint) to generate the diagram. At any rate, make sure it's very legible.
If you have questions about these specs, I'll play the role of the client who will resolve them.
So here's the enterprise: it's a travel agency that keeps track of its clients and their preferences. Each client is identified by her/his unique email but also has a name and telephone number. Airlines are identified by their URL's, but they also have a home airport and a unique name. Clients might have frequent flyer accounts with various airlines, in which case we keep a record, for each such airline, of their membership number with it. Vacation destinations have an ID and a name. Each is located in a unique country, for which we note the country name and currency. Not every country in our list might have a vacation destination, though. Now, for each client and destination, there's a unique airline the client prefers for that destination. Many clients might prefer the same airline for a given destination, and a client may prefer the same airline for many destinations. Some airlines aren't preferred for anywhere. Make "Preference" a ternary relationship type among three obvious entity types.
1 answer
2. You need to know that no one here will do your entire assignment for you. If you have questions about your assignment, please ask, but don't expect anyone to read and do all this for you.