Draw three repeating units of the condensation polymer made from ethanedioic acid and ethanediol.
if anyone has a weblink that illustrates this may you please send it?
2 answers
If you look at the first (I think it is the first) site I gave on the last post (copied below), notice that about halfway down the page there is a general formyula for making polyamides. The example uses a dicarboxylic acid and a diamine. If you will take ethanedioic acid (oxalic acid is a di-acid) and substitute ethanediol (I think that's ethylene glycol), split out water in the ester formation, you will have what you are looking for. Just make it three units long and stick brackets around it with dashes at each end to show that is where the next molecule adds.
I couldn't find a web site the specifically gave you that polymer.