Draw the most important resonance contributor of the following structure or compound. I'd think that the double bonded carbon would be the most important? Am I right?
Thank you!
h t t p : / / a c e o r g a n i c. p e a r s o n c m g. c o m / e p o c h - p l u g i n / t e m p f i l e s / 1 2 7 1 _ 1 2 0 3 . j p e g
6 answers
I can't get anything.
I had to put spaces between the url so I could post it. So you just need to delete all the spaces..
I tried that. What about copying the url in another post and you deleting all but one or two spaces. I'll try that.
h t t p : / / aceorganic . pearsoncmg . com / epoch-plugin / tempfiles / 1271 _ 1203. jpeg
I'm sorry but I'm still batting zero. It keeps telling me that this file is not available.
Hmmm.. Darn. Well thanks for trying!