A ray is a semi-infinite line, or a half line.
In short, if they are drawn such that they diverge from each other, they will never meet.
The following is a more mathematical description of the conditions.
If the two rays should never meet, they should not share the same starting point.
Draw a straight line L through the two (distinct) starting points, dividing the plane into two half planes. If the rays are drawn in different half planes, they will never meet.
Another way is to draw two lines perpendicular to L, such that they pass through each of the starting points, thus creating two semi-infinite planes that do not overlap. If the rays are drawn such that they lie in each of the semi-infinite planes, they will never meet.
draw 2 rays that are not parallel to each other and never intersect.explain.
2 answers
Actually smarties they do meet in a series of even where somehow somewhere a line that runs parallel will knock it over and eventually the lines will meet theoretically now that