Drag the word to the correct characteristic. Words may be used more than once.

Roman Republic United state Roman republic and united states

Woman Can Vote: Roman Republic and United states
Representative democracy: Roman Republic
Government structured by a constitution: United States
Part of government like an oligarchy: United states and Roman Republic

I looked at my lessons and could not find the answers can someone help?
Only answer if you are a teacher or someone who has the answer. If I don't find the answer soon i will try to post the answers.

11 answers

sorry i don't know
Connnexus Gurl is Wrong i got 0/2 on that question
It is United States
United States
Roman and United
it is united states, the roman and united, roman republic , roman republic
Who is right?
woman can vote: united states
representative democracy: united states
government structured by a constitution: roman republic and united states
part of government like an oligarchy: roman republic
heyyy is right i got a 100%
heyyy is 1000000% right omg thank you in faling in SS tysm!
I guess I should use @heyyy's answers that would really put my grades up Lol.
Drag the word to the correct characteristic. Words may be used more than once.

Roman RepublicUnited StatesRoman Republic and United States
Characteristics Nation
women can vote

representative democracy

government structured by a constitution

part of government like an oligarchy
women can vote - United States

representative democracy - Roman Republic and United States

government structured by a constitution - Roman Republic and United States

part of government like an oligarchy - Roman Republic