To convert the decimal 12.518 into a mixed number, we can break it down into its whole number and fractional parts:
- The whole number part is 12.
- The decimal part is 0.518.
Now, we convert the decimal 0.518 into a fraction. Here’s how to do that:
- The decimal has three digits after the decimal point (518), which means it is in the thousandths place.
- We can express this as: \[ 0.518 = \frac{518}{1000} \]
Next, we should simplify this fraction. We need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 518 and 1000.
- The prime factorization of 518 is \(2 \times 259\).
- The prime factorization of 1000 is \(2^3 \times 5^3\).
The only common factor is 2.
Now, we can simplify the fraction: \[ \frac{518 \div 2}{1000 \div 2} = \frac{259}{500} \]
Putting it all together, we can write the mixed number as: \[ 12.518 = 12 \frac{259}{500} \]
Thus, the correct numbers to use are:
- Whole number part: 12
- Fraction part: 259
- Denominator of the fraction part: 500
The numbers 57, 50, 110, and 9 are not used in this conversion.