drag each item to indicate whether it is related to aristotle's or ptolemy's modle of the solar system or to both some items may be used twiced

aristotle's model ptolemy's model

planets fixed on nested spheres
planets fixed on epicycles
accurately predicted the positions of the planets

1 answer

Here’s how the items can be categorized based on Aristotle's and Ptolemy's models of the solar system:

Aristotle's Model:

  • Geocentric
  • Planets fixed on nested spheres

Ptolemy's Model:

  • Geocentric
  • Planets fixed on epicycles
  • Accurately predicted the positions of the planets


  • Geocentric (Both models are geocentric, as they both place the Earth at the center of the universe.)


  • Aristotle's Model: Geocentric, Planets fixed on nested spheres
  • Ptolemy's Model: Geocentric, Planets fixed on epicycles, Accurately predicted the positions of the planets
  • Both: Geocentric