Drag and drop the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence. Not all words/phrases will be used.
Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Long ago, the lands of Ancient Greece were Response area a race of giants called the Titans. Their leader, Cronus—whose mother was Earth and whose father was the Sky—sat Response area above all as the ruler of the world and king of the heavens. Cronus greatly enjoyed his powerful position. He did everything he could to make sure that no one would ever take his place. His son Zeus, though, longed to become king. Zeus challenged Cronus to a war, and Cronus accepted.
Zeus defeated his father and became the new Response area. His first task was to punish the Titans for opposing him. He sent most of the giant warriors away from the earth. Zeus had a special punishment, however, for the Titan warrior Atlas, who was known for his Response area.
3“You have a heavy burden to bear, Atlas,” said Zeus, “for as I place this pillar on your shoulder, you must support the heavens forever.”
39 answers
2.Difficult of access; not easy reached; lofty; elevated; high.
3. Excessive; as, a steep price. [Slang]
4. to soak; steeping a teabag
Give the definition number which means the same or about the same as the word steep as it is used in this sentence?
This island is the strongest in the world, with its steep rocks and great cliffs, and there is no metal in the island but gold.
A Definition 3Definition 3
B Definition 2Definition 2
C Definition 1Definition 1
D Definition 4
Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Should be included Should NOT be included
A Glass also forms naturally when lava bursts from a volcano and then cools.Glass also forms naturally when lava bursts from a volcano and then cools.
B It would then make sense that a natural byproduct of the fiery volcanic explosions is a glass formation called obsidian.It would then make sense that a natural byproduct of the fiery volcanic explosions is a glass formation called obsidian.
C At one time or another, we have all pressed our hands against a window and looked through a pane of glass to view the world outside...At one time or another, we have all pressed our hands against a window and looked through a pane of glass to view the world outside...
D Whether formed naturally or through manufacturing, the most common way of making glass is to superheat silica or quartzite sand to its melting point.Whether formed naturally or through manufacturing, the most common way of making glass is to superheat silica or quartzite sand to its melting point.
a paragraph about the consequences of not brushing your teeth, a paragraph about what happens when you stay up too late on school nights, and a paragraph about the result of studying for an exam.
A Chronological Order (sequence of events)Chronological Order (sequence of events)
B Cause and EffectCause and Effect
C Similarity and Difference (compare and contrast)Similarity and Difference (compare and contrast)
D Posing and Answering a Question (question and answer)
A very fewvery few
B fragrantfragrant
C vividly colorfulvividly colorful
D an extreme amount of
A starred with the magnificent splendor of vivid blooms.starred with the magnificent splendor of vivid blooms.
B And upon all the noonday sun poured its torrid rays out of a cloudless sky.And upon all the noonday sun poured its torrid rays out of a cloudless sky.
C we could see the same splendid coloring of countless blossoms that glorified the islands,we could see the same splendid coloring of countless blossoms that glorified the islands,
D Together we stepped out to stand in silent contemplation of a landscape at once weird and beautiful.Together we stepped out to stand in silent contemplation of a landscape at once weird and beautiful.
E Behind us rose a dark and forbidding wood of giant arborescent ferns intermingled with the commoner types of a primeval tropical forest.
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Question 1
Proteins are one of the four main types of _________ .
A biomoleculesbiomolecules
B livingliving
C complexcomplex
Question 2
One of the main functions of proteins is the creation of ________.
A sugarssugars
B enzymesenzymes
Question 3
Enzymes are important for allowing and speeding up ________ in an organism.
A reactionsreactions
B chemicals
Question 2: B (enzymes)
Question 3: A (reactions)
Genetic Code and DNA
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Question 1
DNA is made of four different bases: _______, _______, _______, and ______.
A A. B. C. DA. B. C. D
B A, C, G, TA, C, G, T
C A, C, G, UA, C, G, U
Question 2
Are humans genetically similar to chimpanzees?
A YesYes
B NoNo
Question 3
In terms of DNA. one living organism is different from another because of the order of the ____________________ in the genetic code.
A chromosomeschromosomes
B nitrogenous basesnitrogenous bases
Question 2: A (Yes)
Question 3: B (nitrogenous bases)
Bases of DNA
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Question 1
In a DNA molecule, T pairs with _______.
Question 2
There are ________ different bases of DNA.
A 22
B 44
C 66
D 88
Question 3
In a DNA molecule, C pairs with _____.
Question 2: A (22)
Question 3: B (G)
Bases of RNA
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Question 1
Like DNA, RNA has ________ bases.
A 11
B 22
C 33
D 44
Question 2
What does the nucleotide "A" stand for?
A AcidAcid
B AdenineAdenine
C AdrenalineAdrenaline
D AmorphousAmorphous
Question 3
In terms of bases, the difference between DNA and RNA is that DNA has _____ and RNA has ____.
A T, UT, U
B A, CA, C
C U, GU, G
D C, G
Question 2: B (Adenine)
Question 3: A (T, U)
Nucleic Acids
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Question 1
DNA and RNA both contain a ___-carbon sugar.
A 44
B 55
C 66
Question 2
DNA and RNA are examples of _________ ________.
A golgi bodiesgolgi bodies
B nucleic acidsnucleic acids
Question 3
Nucleic acids are made up of a sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a _________ group.
A phosphatephosphate
B cellulosecellulose
C substrate
Question 2: B (nucleic acids)
Question 3: A (phosphate)
DNA, Genes, & Chromosomes
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Question 1
Chromosomes are made of tightly packed ________ molecules.
B amino acidamino acid
C lipidlipid
Question 2
A __________ is a segment of DNA which codes for a specific trait.
A amino acidamino acid
B chromosomechromosome
C genegene
Question 3
___________ are passed from parents to offspring, determining an offsprings traits.
A chromosomeschromosomes
B nucleinuclei
C proteins
Question 2: C (gene)
Question 3: A (chromosomes)
Which part of the nucleotide is responsible for the coding of specific proteins and traits?
A Part 3Part 3
B Part 4Part 4
C Part 2Part 2
D Part 1Part 1
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Using the model presented, what is represented by A? Defend your answer..
A A represents RNA. Translation is the synthesis of an RNA copy of a segment of DNA.A represents RNA. Translation is the synthesis of an RNA copy of a segment of DNA.
B A represents RNA. Transcription is the synthesis of an RNA copy of a segment of DNA.A represents RNA. Transcription is the synthesis of an RNA copy of a segment of DNA.
C A represents protein. Translation is the synthesis of a protein using DNA as a template for the assembly of the protein.A represents protein. Translation is the synthesis of a protein using DNA as a template for the assembly of the protein.
D A represents protein. Transcription is the synthesis of a protein using DNA as a template for the assembly of the protein.A represents protein. Transcription is the synthesis of a protein using DNA as a template for the assembly of the protein.
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The central dogma of molecular biology states that transcription is the process of synthesizing an RNA copy from a segment of DNA. Therefore, the representation of A in this model is RNA. Transcription is directly involved in the synthesis of RNA, not proteins. Translation, on the other hand, is the process of synthesizing a protein using RNA as a template.
A lipidslipids
B nucleotidesnucleotides
C proteinsproteins
D sugars
The sequence of nucleotides in a DNA molecule determines the specific genetic code that will be transcribed into RNA and eventually translated into a protein. Each nucleotide acts as a unit of the genetic code, with specific combinations of nucleotides encoding different amino acids or functional elements in the protein sequence. Therefore, the sequence of nucleotides is responsible for determining the protein that will be produced.
A The structure of the nitrogen basesThe structure of the nitrogen bases
B The size of the nitrogen basesThe size of the nitrogen bases
C The number of nitrogen basesThe number of nitrogen bases
D The sequence of the nitrogen bases
The sequence of the nitrogen bases (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine) in a DNA molecule determines the specific code or information encoded in that DNA molecule. The order and arrangement of these nitrogen bases along the DNA strand determine the specific instructions for building proteins and carrying genetic information.
A replicationreplication
B translationtranslation
C protein synthesisprotein synthesis
D carbohydrate synthesis
The central dogma of molecular biology focuses on the process of translation, where the information encoded in the DNA sequence is transcribed into RNA and then translated into a sequence of amino acids. This process ultimately leads to the formation of polypeptides or proteins. Replication refers to the process of DNA replication, protein synthesis is a broader term encompassing transcription and translation, and carbohydrate synthesis is not directly related to the central dogma.
A diagram of a nucleotide and a list of common elements found in the human body is below.
Common Elements in the Human Body Nucleotide
Which elements from the list are not part of a DNA nucleotide? (Choose 3)
A CalciumCalcium
B PhosphorusPhosphorus
C OxygenOxygen
D PotassiumPotassium
E NitrogenNitrogen
F Magnesium
The central dogma of molecular biology describes the two-step process, transcription and translation, by which the information coded in DNA is used to make proteins or polypeptides.
Using the model presented, what is being formed, B, from the process represented by C? Correctly identify B and C as well as the proper relationship between the two.
A mRNA (B) is being formed in the nucleus using DNA in the process known as transcription (C).mRNA (B) is being formed in the nucleus using DNA in the process known as transcription (C).
B Proteins (B) are being formed from the process of translation (C), in which DNA code is copied into mRNA in the nucleus.Proteins (B) are being formed from the process of translation (C), in which DNA code is copied into mRNA in the nucleus.
C RNA (B) is being formed from the process of translation (C), in which mRNA carries the DNA code to the nucleus for protein synthesis.RNA (B) is being formed from the process of translation (C), in which mRNA carries the DNA code to the nucleus for protein synthesis.
D Proteins (B) are being formed from the process of translation (C), in which mRNA carries the DNA code to the ribosome for protein synthesis.
In the given model, the process represented by C is translation, which involves the synthesis of proteins. The product of this process is represented by B, which is proteins. During translation, mRNA carries the DNA code from the nucleus to the ribosome, where protein synthesis occurs.