"Dr. Frankenstein flung a power switch, blue streamers of static electricity crackled about the table the creature gave a grunt and opened smoldering eyes." I am suppose to add comma splices to this sentence but where do they go I really don't know.
There is already a comma splice in there ("switch, blue"). Are you sure you're not supposed to FIX the run-on (comma splice or fused) sentences in there? In reality, there are three distinct sentences, but the punctuation is incorrect.
You have 3 complete sentences there. Putting commas in would not be grammatically correct. Compound complete sentences are connected by semi-colons. Your complete sentences are:
Dr. Frankenstein flung a power switch...
blue streamers of static electricity crackled about the table....
the creature gave a grunt and opened smoldering eyes.....
This site will best explain.
yes that is what it is