Dr. frankenstein flung a power switch, ble streamers of static electricity crackled about the table, the creature gave a grunt and opened smoldering eyes.
Is there a comma splice in this sentence and how do I rewrite it without one
Dr. frankenstein flung a power switch, ble streamers of static electricity crackled about the table, the creature gave a grunt and opened smoldering eyes.
There may be two of them, but I need to know what "ble" is to be able to tell.
There are three primary ways to correct comma splices:
1. add a coordinating conjunction after the comma
2. make the comma into a semicolon
3. make a new sentence
Go ahead and revise this and re-post. I'll check it for you.
the words is supposed to be blue i miss typed it
I need to fiqure out how to rewrite the whole sentence so tell me if this is better Dr. frankensteinflung a power switch and ble streamers of static electricity crackled and the creature gave a grunt and opened his eyes.
I need to fiqure out how to rewrite the whole sentence so tell me if this is better Dr. frankenstein pushed a power switch and blue streamers of static electricity crackled and the creature gave a grunt and opened his eyes.
Dr. Frankenstein pushed a power switch, and blue streamers of static electricity crackled. The creature gave a grunt and opened his eyes.
The comma splice was after "crackled."
where do the comma go in the question Would you like a Coke Mrs.Roth or a piece of cake?
7 answers
a. To join two independent clauses (along with a conjunction)
b. To separate an introductory word, phrase, or dependent clause from the rest of the sentence
c. To separate an interruption from the rest of the sentence
d. To separate items in a series
___________ 1. The students performed confidently and the teacher beamed with pride.
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___________ 2. Unfortunately the hotel manager forgot to activate the security system.
___________ 3. John Caldwell my son’s teacher moved here from New York.
___________ 4. When the conference concluded the hotel manager sought employment elsewhere.
___________ 5. The students may feel some pressure when writing essays but they will experience a sense of accomplishment when they are finished.
___________ 6. In the meantime the sales representatives left the hall with their merchandise still on display.
___________ 7. Please park the car walk to the station and purchase a one-way ticket.
___________ 8. The office building which was all white brick towered over the deli.
___________ 9. We ordered eggs toast pancakes and coffee before the diner closed.
¬¬¬¬__________ 10. The new boss listened to the employees but he took his time making a decision.
__________ 11. Previewing the text though it takes a minute or two is the best way to begin a reading assignment.
__________ 12. Although the wind howled all night long the exhausted student slept like a baby.
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. B
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. B