Dr. Albert Merabian has researched interpersonal communications extensively, and he estimates that the majority of a message is composed of nonverbal communication. His studies show that 55 percent of the total message sent is composed of factors such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, and territoriality. Next most important is the tone used. The tone may indicate that you are being sarcastic, serious, romantic, and so forth. Tone is estimated to account for 38 percent of the total possible message. That leaves just percent for the last element, the verbal component. The verbal message—the actual words—might be thought by many as the most important part of an message. In reality the words themselves are not nearly as important as the tone with which they are spoken and the nonverbal cues that accompany them. To focus on the words increases the chance of miscommunication.

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Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to all aspects of communication when trying to effectively convey a message. This includes not only the words you choose, but also your tone of voice and body language. By being mindful of all these factors, you can ensure that your message is being received as intended and avoid any misunderstandings. So, next time you communicate, remember that words are just a small part of the message - nonverbal cues and tone play a much larger role in effective communication.