Donald Duck and his nephews manage to sink Uncle Scrooge's yacht (m = 4843 kg), which is made of steel (ρ = 7850 kg/m3). In typical comic-book fashion, they decide to raise the yacht (which is now on the bottom of a lake) by filling it with ping-pong balls. A ping-pong ball has a mass of 2.70 g and a volume of 3.35·10-5 m3.

a) What is the buoyant force on one ping-pong ball in water?
b)b) How many balls are required to float the ship?

4 answers

bouyant force one ball= density water*volumeball

YOu decide if the duck's are in fresh water , or sea water.
i found it 0.0335 N with (bouyant force one ball= density water*volumeball) but it 's not truee :(
0.0335*9.8 (g) with this its true! thank you bobpursleyy !!!!
b) How many balls are required to float the ship? How can i find this. can you help me please bobpursley ??