If you already have such information about the apps, then you might add personal details (little stories) about how each one has helped someone. You could be referring to yourself or a friend or a fictional person.
I have no knowledge of these apps except a little bit about Evernote, but since I'm not in school any longer, I've found no use for it in my life. Clearly, you know how to use it as a student.
For researching about these apps, you should probably go to such websites as www.cnet.com or www.howtogeek.com or similar sites.
And here's a webpage that will teach you how to conduct targeted web searches:
Keep scrolling down and read and learn. You might also want to print this one out so you have the directions in front of you as you conduct your searches.
doing research on a report for how study scheduling apps can help students. the apps i have chosen are evernote, my study life and my homework. The info i need is how these apps can benefit students and how they can actually help and how they coorelate to academic success. I have already found the description for each applike what they do and pros and cons. I need credible websites so can anyone help me and ill do the research from there , thanks
1 answer