Doing a book review assignment for Obasan by Joy Kogawa. It cannot be a typical summary , must be more essay like and have a thesis.
I plan on discussing first and foremost a general quick plot summary emphasizing the important and prominent scenes of the book, which will fuel my further discussions and analysis on its themes, which will then transition into character discussion. I pretty much have this down already- or at least I think I do.
But I want to also talk about the impact of setting and diction/style and the author's techniques(how she manages the plot and creates literary elements i.e symbols, imagery, metaphors etc). Can someone give me some ideas on how I can discuss these elements of my essay?
Also, I am struggling with a thesis. I am trying to think of special, and original specific scenes to trigger thought- but I have none. What makes this book different and more worthy of reading than any other fiction book talking about world war II and persecution? Any help and ideas are appreciated! :)
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