Does this passage have supporting details to convince my audience, clearly demonstrates the use of logos, pathos and ethos?
The US should have government funded health care because it can benefit people in many ways like financially, emotionally and physically. According to Yale School of Public health, A government funded health care system is likely to lead to a 13% savings in national healthcare expenses, which is more than $450 billion each year, according to their researchers. This could make a great impact on families who already struggle with financial issues and have trouble supporting their family as is. This can also impact the state so that we can focus on our strongest assets which is human capital. With healthy people, children and adults can go to school more often and work to make the world better and stronger. Like stated before in my previous answer one of the most common way people go into debt is medical bills; so if we were to subtract that problem more people would be able to work and not have to worry about medical bills.
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