Does the moral judgement of some individuals worsen with age and education?

Psychologist Lawarence Kohlberg clamis that moral judgement tends to improve with age and education. He identifies moral improvement as "progrssive internalization and generalization by an individual of the ethical references which guide that individual conduct"

I disagree I don't think Kohlberg claims are reasonable. Can someone help me? with there opinion

7 answers

Using Kohlberg's definition of moral improvement, I have to agree with his statement.

Why do you disagree?
after studying the situation of Joe Nacchio, Mohandas Ghandi and Timothy McVeigh they all differ. I feel as though some indiviuduals can be identifed as exceptions. becuase of what tiggers them mentally.
How can you say that these people were more moral when they were younger?
you are absoulty right? thanks. But does moral exist when your younger when you don't know what's what?
By law, we know the difference between right and wrong when we're 18.
okay. thanks
You're welcome.