does pre and pink sound the same

7 answers

No, "pre" and "pink" do not sound the same. "Pre" is pronounced with a short e sound like "pr-eh", while "pink" is pronounced with a long i sound like "p-ih-nk".
any word that the same sound for pre
One word that has a similar sound to "pre" is "pry", pronounced like "pr-ai".
any word that the same sound for choc
One word that has a similar sound to "choc" is "shock." Both words end with the same "ock" sound.
does fresh and fruity sound the same
No, "fresh" and "fruity" do not sound the same. "Fresh" is pronounced with a short e sound like "fr-eh-sh", while "fruity" is pronounced with a long oo sound like "fr-oo-tee".