This is NOT science. Science does not involve voting, nor explain voting.
The question involves a fallacy in thinking. Why don't you compare pregnancy with the death penalty? or compare girls to diswashers?
Malathion has many uses, mosquito control is just one of them, and in fact, a minor use of malathion. West Nile virus is one of many diseases carried by mosquitoes, here in Texas we worry about other encephalitis like virus carried by mosquitoes (and ticks).
Now to the fallacy of your question: Why the west Nile virius vs. Malathion? It is not a science issue, it is a political issue. It is exactly the same issue on "natural foods", "organic foods", pesticides in general. Some folks do not want to be around pesticides, regardless if they are toxic or not. If the evidence is clear on toxicity, as it is on Malathon, then those folks will argue things that can never be proved: genetic changes will show up if future generations, or unknown diseases will develope, or whatever. This is not science.
I will give you some links to read. The best defense against fallacies is just getting smart.
(Broken Link Removed)
Does anyone know where I can find information on camparing the use of Malathion to the risk of contracting the West Nile Virus? I have to explain my vote and consider any relevant political, social and economical aspects.
Just having trouble finding information, and following this chart that is supposed to help out.
1 answer