Each situation involves different laws. I suggest you Google the key words in each question to find the applicable law.
In the first example, the Constitution guarantees that we all have the right to peaceably assemble. However, some communities have ways of refusing some speakers and demonstrations.
does anyone know any website that I can find about Government law to answer the following question?
[c] Comrade Nikolai, a communist, wishes to hold a Saturday rally in LeBard Stadium at Orange Coast College, but several Costa Mesa citizens object.
[d] Ethan Moses, a black college graduate in Chemistry, applies for a job at Texaco, but Texaco does not want to hire blacks.
[e] Larry Lovalot wishes to practice polygamy for a religious reason, but a group of citizens object.
[f] Donald Dove, a Quaker, says he will not serve in the Armed Forces. He says he will not work in any government agency that helps a war effort.
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