1)heat will flow from object A to object b, 2)110,601J ,3)48, 4)you can change how easily electrons move through them,5)The electric field is all around the paper including between them,6) the last graph,7)gain as much energy as they lose, 8)a changing magnetic field produces an electric current, 9)discovering that a moving magnet generated a current in a conductor and proving that the magnitude of the current depended on the number of coils in the conductor,10)frequency,11)6km,12)The pitch gets higher because of an increase in frequency,13) the density of the medium, 14)The frequency of a sound does not affect the speed at which it travels,15)A and D, 16)Grass absorbs all light except for green, which it reflects,17)As temperature increases, the speed of sound increases because molecules in the medium collide more frequently,18)Yes, in certain situations, just like all particles, 19)particle model Decause the atom's electron absorps and emits eneray in discrete wavelengths, 20)9 x 107 J, 21)The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons,22)the daughter nuclide has one more proton and one less neutron than the parent nuclide,23)Away from Earth,24)time and amount or exposure
Here all all the answers took the test there all right
Does anyone have the answers to the physics b semester unit exam for Connexus?24 questions
2 answers
Can confirm that all of the above are correct, I just want to point out that the graph order changes so it's not always the last graph. It's the one with "4" as the current for all of them and with "4" as the potential difference for R1.