Does anyone happen to know all of the answers to the 10b Final Exam? Please I could really use some help if I don't pass this I am going to fail. Much help would be appreciated greatly.

12 answers

Hold on, I'll take the test and get the answers
Thank you Varis
1) does not often have the opportunity for uninhibited playtime
2) The family regards its grandmother's visits to the baths as a worrisome inconvenience
3) "So he set to work. The Earth must be made a new Eden"
4) Telling the truth will come with a price
5) embarrassed yet proud
6) formal
7) blunt
8) loving
9) foreshadowing
10) Samia has an obedient nature and has been well-trained to fulfill her role
11) Traditional baths help women feel appreciated and honored
12) "On her wedding night, as he put a diamond bracelet around her wrist, he had reminded her that she was marrying someone with a brilliant career infront of him and that one of the most important things in his life was the opinion of others, particularly one's equals and seniors"
13) Bashir is not really related to the man
14) She has experienced a feeling of love at first sight
15) Their just going to have to wait to see the movie
16) pathos
17) his
18) We had to move heaven and Earth to get the job done
19) Dogs should avoid eating chocolate because it's toxic for them
20) Children tend to imitate poor behavior of their favorite television characters
21) more
22) Each
23) their
24) illogical comparison
25) exclamatory
26) "She reported that her [Sonia Sotomayor's] nomination to the Supreme Court was a first for Latina women"
27) hers's
28) There is many positions still available
29) tore
30) George Washington was born on February 22, 1732
31) dejected
32) target
33) inherited
34) undeniable
35) neglect
36) uneasiness
37) charmed
38) rejected
39) hostility
40) attacked
41-56 is all typing so I can't really say if those are right or wrong. Hope these helped tho!
Vairs that is not the test I have. I know that you put a lot of work into that and I deeply appreciate it but my test has 1-54 questions and none of them are need to type kinda answers. It is English 10b closed book end of semester test.
If anyone has the answers before 12 tomorrow I will be ever so grateful.
i’m taking the test rn i’ll lyk in a few i’m pretty sure we have the same test
Thank you ah it is much appreciated.
for those of you who are taking the unit 7 lesson 2 English 2b semester exam for connexus and have 55 questions, here are the answers for 1-53 (54 and 55 being short answer questions.)

1. she has fallen in love with him
2. a mix of embarrassment and pride
3. patronizing
4. dark humor
5. the arab-israeli conflict
6. daughter-in-law
7. war
8. despises and loves
9. the clash of modernization and traditional life
10. there is a price to be paid for telling the truth
11. reserved and sincere
12. love and value their family
13. the corrupt actions that follow in the story
14. effects of war
15. a vietnamese man who fled hanoi and joined the army in the south
16. have you turned in you're english paper yet?
17. his
18. both
19. anybody
20. does allie and edwin want to submit their poems?
21. richest
22. double negative
23. more
24. exclamatory
25. she wants to buy film, and chewing gum
26. george washington was born on february 22, 1732
27. ice hockey is played on a rink; but field hockey is played outdoors
28. the reporter noted that her [sonia sotomayor's]nomination to the supreme court was a first for latina women
29. her's
30. dejected
31. target
32. inherited
33. undeniable
34. neglect
35. uneasiness
36. charmed
37. rejected
38. hostility
39. attacked

40. characterization: E - understanding of people through their words, thoughts, and actions
41. setting: A - where a story takes place
42. satire: C - poking fun at human folly
43. deus ex machina: B - the use of an unexplainable event to resolve a story
44. etymology: D - the study of word origins

45. euphemism: B - a polite way of expressing an unpleasant truth
46. thesis: E - the point an author is trying to prove
47. mood: C - the emotion a reader takes from a story
48. exaggeration: D - overstating for effect
49. pathos: A - persuasive appeal to the emotions

50. dialect: B - a regional way of speaking
51. flashback: A - the description of an event that took place in the past
52. simile: D - a comparison of two things using "like" or "as"
53. foreshadowing: C - elements of a story that hint at the ending
100% 53/53
florence is 100% ✓
florence is correct!!!!!
I have it on usatestprep and i only have 49 questions that are all different does anyone have those
Does anyone have the 16 point writing question? number 56?