I Googled various combinations and found no definitive website, and I'm not surprised.
How does anyone define a top national educational system? Is it by the number of literate adults? Is it by how many students graduate high school or college? Is it by tests given in various subjects at different grade levels? Is it by the number of facts known by students? Is it by the creativity and entrepreneurship shown by college graduates?
Consider these anecdotes. My son, a Stanford graduate engineer, has worked with a lot of Japanese engineers -- but on the whole, would rather hire American engineers because they are more creative than their Japanese counterparts. I know of European high school exchange students who are accustomed to memorizing formulas rather than discussing and finding uses for them.
If you can define how you want to rank educational systems, perhaps you can find some kind of rating system -- but I doubt it.
Does anybody know a site that rates the education systems of countries? I know Britain's number one...
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