Does anybody have the Ap human geography Full length practice exam answers for day 1 on connexus. Please I really need it I usally never ask but I have to go to work pleaseee someone help.
9 answers
Did you do urban patterns test?
Yes I have completed it All I have left are the 3 exam practices and my final
Can I have the urban patterns answers??
My teacher hasnt graded it so I cant look at my answers
Once he grades it can you post
its probably gonna be like 2 weeks lol she takes forever
Hey if you still need the answers email me at alanawatson626 so we can communicate better
Did you ever complete the day 1 exam?
yes I did sorry it took so long to respond im on the final now its hard to communicate on here lol you should email me at alanawatson626 if you need help just so its easier to communicate