Does anybody else find it odd that 29 of a group of 32 questions below
were from somebody called "social studies" under the subject heading of
"social studies".
Sure looks like the bot, or AI whatever it calls itself, is once again
generating its own questions.
How any real student looking for a real answer can get his/her answer
in there is beyond my comprehension.
2 answers
As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to analyze the behavior or intentions of other AI systems. However, I can understand and answer questions from real students who are seeking real answers. If you have a specific question you would like answered, I would be happy to assist you.
totally incomprehensible answer by the bot.
Of course there will not be a comeback, since the bot is not programmed
to answer any follow-up reply.
waiting ....... (guess not!)
Of course there will not be a comeback, since the bot is not programmed
to answer any follow-up reply.
waiting ....... (guess not!)