An aspirin tablet weighing 0.548 g has been analyzed and contains 68.2 % ASA (180.16 g/mol) by mass. A student dissolved
the tablet in hot NaOH and the cooled solution was diluted with DI water to the mark in a 250 mL volumetric flask. Exactly 3.00 mL
of the solution was pipetted into a 100 mL volumetric flask and diluted to the mark with FeCl3 solution.
The concentration of the diluted solution is
does any one know how to write cis-2,3-dibromo-2-hexene formula? Please help!
3 answers
This is hard with out graphics!
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C = C - CH2CH2CH3
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Br Br
Hope this works! If it all disappears I'll have another go
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C = C - CH2CH2CH3
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Br Br
Hope this works! If it all disappears I'll have another go
OH dear it didn't quite work! Here is another go.
C = C - CH2CH2CH3
Br Br
Ignore the dots they are there to try to space the bonds correctly.
C = C - CH2CH2CH3
Br Br
Ignore the dots they are there to try to space the bonds correctly.