How do you define "individual liberties?"
How do you define "freedom?"
On the surface, it looks as though the question contains contadictory concepts. Aren't individual liberties the same as freedom?
But that doesn't mean that I have the "liberty" to give public hate speeches and urge all minorities to be hurt.
What do you think?
Does a government ever have the right to sacrifice individual liberties in the name of freedom?
6 answers
I define individual liberties as different rights, I define freedom as living the way you want to.
The answer would be NO, but how do I explain that.
The answer would be NO, but how do I explain that.
Why is your answer NO?
What "rights" do you have in mind that are individual liberties? Be specific.
What specific things do you mean by "living the way you want to?"
Give it a try, Sara. Write your paragraph. I'll be glad to comment on it after you've posted it.
What "rights" do you have in mind that are individual liberties? Be specific.
What specific things do you mean by "living the way you want to?"
Give it a try, Sara. Write your paragraph. I'll be glad to comment on it after you've posted it.
sorry, I got mixed up, I thought that the question was saying that the government has the right to snatch rights from people. I'll write my paragraph and post it on here for you to check, thanks.
I would define freedom as lack of restrictions.
The question IS asking if the government should be able to take individual liberties away. I agree with your NO answer.