Do you think this definition is better and can be apply to the chemical and microbiological analysis of water?

Scientific method
Students will be involved in the following investigating activities:
1. Ask Questions
2. Do Background Research
3. Construct Hypotheses
4. Test their Hypothesis by Doing Experiments
5. Analyze their Data and Draw a Conclusion
6. Communicate their Results

Students will also keep a record of their observation as well as of the procedure used to conduct their experiment in the form of an online journal.

1 answer


I still think that "involved in" is not strong enough. Students should be the ones doing the wondering, the asking, the researching, etc. Have you asked one of the science teachers (or more than one) to help you with this part? They should be the ones giving you the content, and then you should be the one writing up the English version.

Revise your last sentence like this:
In the form of an online journal, students will keep a record of their observations, as well as the procedures used to conduct their experiments.