Do you think that one giant political party today would destroy America based on Madison's ideology of factions?
6 answers
Wouldn't there be factions within the one party?
This is a good explanation of Madison's ideas about factions.
What do you think about one giant political party?
What do you think about one giant political party?
good point, what about Do you think that one giant political faction today would destroy America based on Madison's ideology of factions?
I believe that a political party wouldn't be able to take over, but a huge political faction will be able to.
what about you? I need some outside perspective (: thanks!
I believe that a political party wouldn't be able to take over, but a huge political faction will be able to.
what about you? I need some outside perspective (: thanks!
Throughout our history, we've had a majority voting for party or another. We've swung back and forth between conservative and liberal. Invariably, as it seems that one side or another has dominated the U.S. for many years, the mood changes. People get fed up with one extreme or another and swing away from it and back toward the other side or the middle.
Thats a cool perspective: you have read the federalist papers correct? did you find anything interesting while reading it?
I've read several of the Federalist Papers -- but I confess I don't remember much about them.
I Googled Madison factions and got a summary of his ideas.
I Googled Madison factions and got a summary of his ideas.