Do you think it is truly possible to get all of the information I would need to write an essay about the sudden "halt" or end of production of electric cars? And, what about the Hybreds? I am apprehensive about this topic because I may not be able to find all there is to know about it.I have to be able to write about a topic that has some controversy surrounding it. Your help is always appreciated!

This topic is very interesting, and one that I too try to do research on for my own information. I do think it is possible to write about this, although I do not know how long and detailed your essay needs to be. However, on the internet, I was able to find a good amount of material. As per your request, I won't give out any specific websites that I found most useful, but they are there!! If you'd like me to be more specific, just ask!

I think you will find enough material. THe central issue is lifetime cost. Consumers are turned off by high initial costs. The hybrids are doing well, despite the higher costs. The problem with information on your essay is the lack of hard will be beset with predictions, opinions, and speculation on the future. I am certain in the early 1900's a similar situation existed with air travel.
My opinion on the essay would depend on the type of essay. If it is an opinion essay, go for it. If it is other, then think on the lack of real facts available.

1 answer

Dang this person right here posted this in 2006