Do you think America should be a melting pot? Why or why not?
I am not certain the "melting pot" ever existed except in the minds of romantics and light-skinnned historians.
Some things get assimilated, and many others do not. Don't ask for opinions when you don't want them. I suspect you wanted to know some facts about the melting pot concept, and in fact some evidence that it existed or not.
Wouldn't the title for the subject have better been "Social Studies: melting pot"
I don't think it is a question of "should" - We ARE! and have been since the beginning. We have come from every country in the world: and, until relatively recently have not had immigration laws. We essentially are the only multi-ethnic nation in the world and our language and customs reflects that multiplicity. You can find words from England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, etc. etc, etc. (as well as the "native" languages of America) in use in everyday speech.
I find it strange that we should suddenly be uncomfortable with the very characteristic that makes us unique and dynamic.