Do you really believe ethical theories are useful in assisting health care professionals and organizations and systems in doing the "right"?

I believe there is isn't a right or wrong answer for when it comes to ethical theory...? Help?

6 answers

I believe that ethical theories are useful. However, there sometimes isn't an absolutely wrong or right answer.
What comes to mind to me is the role of the Triage Nurse or Doctor in major disasters...the quickly evaluate victims and decide who gets treatment, and who does not. This probably is the greatest ethical personal delimina of those involved. I have an acquaintance who had this job for a couple of days during Hurricane Katrina...she said she never wanted to do that as a physician, and hoped to never again.
Im confused about a Triage Nurse can you be more specific?
A triage nurse is one who first assesses patients in an emergency. Check here for more information.
Triage: 1.
(in medical use) the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties, or deciding which casualties to treat to maximize the number of lives saved.
what can professional do in a group of coming up and coming health care professionals either in community health management or hospital care management , to encourage ethical conduct in the policies and services of health care?

..I think they are useful in how to treat patients lives from encouraging more activities?