do you believe an individual department’s mission statement can succeed without considering the company’s overall vision and mission statements – why or why not?

i believe there could be a possibility. It depends on how together the company is. if the company is falling apart than yes because then the individual department would be acting as a separate company, and most likely not depending on any other part of the comapny. if this was the case why would there be a need for the department to consider the mission statement? However, if the comapany was functioning as a team and every branch contributed to the overall mission statement, the individual department would have a hard time getting its resources, finances for their projects, and without considering the overall vision would most likely end up hurting the company and downfalling. A company is supposed to act as a team, each part contributing to the whole. if one part goes off and does its own thing, then the company is weakened. a whole can function and succeed much part than one part. if you need an example look at the body. the arm cannot survive by itself, however if it works with the body than it will not only benefit the body but also itself. Hope that helps!