"Do we expect too much from public figures?"
I wrote an introduction. I agree to the question raised. Please take a look at the introduction I wrote and also comment on my draft for the next few body paragraph. I have yet add in a example to paragraph 2 because I didn't know what example I should use. Thanks!
When people look up to public figures, people tend to assert expectations on them. Public figures are expected to display socially acceptable behaviour, positive image, talents and possess all the right values because they are influential. However, it is impossible for them to fulfil all the above expectations. After all, nobody is perfect. Even though they live in the limelight, public figures are merely mortals. Hence, I believe that we are expecting too much from public figures. In fact, such expectations are violating their private life, causing them to attract unwanted attentions and receive criticism for things that they are not responsible for.
Being the center of public attention, public figures have the ability to influence masses. Hence, they are expected to embody the attributes a society values and as such provide role models for members of that community.
However, we are expecting too much from public figures also have right to privacy. Like we want our privacy be safe, they want their privacy be safe too. It's unfair when their privacy is show in public just because they are living in the spotlight.
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Do you have a thesis yet? Have you done your brainstorming (and maybe research) yet? Have you written an outline?
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