Do This

Read through the code for this app. Then answer the following question:

Describe what will happen with the program is run and the user clicks on the 8-ball. Try to visualize how the code will run when the user clicks on the 8-ball.

var answers = ["Yes, absolutely", "Maybe", "Don't even think about it!", "I'm not sure", "Ask me again", "I have a good feeling about this", "Are you kidding?", "You are crazy!", "Why not!"];
var index = 0;


onEvent("playScreen", "click", function(){
index = randomNumber(0, (answers.length - 1));


function updateScreen(){
setText("answerOutput", answers[index]);

1 answer

When the program is run and the user clicks on the 8-ball (which is presumably represented by the "playScreen" object), the following sequence of events will occur:

  1. Event Listener Activation: The program has an event listener set up on an element called "playScreen" that is waiting for a click event. When the user clicks on this element, the defined function associated with this click event will be triggered.

  2. Random Index Generation: Inside the click event function, the line index = randomNumber(0, (answers.length - 1)); generates a random integer between 0 and the last index of the answers array (which is answers.length - 1). This means that index will be assigned a random number that corresponds to one of the answers in the answers array.

  3. Screen Update: After generating the random index, the updateScreen(); function is called. This function performs two main tasks:

    • It updates the text displayed in the UI by invoking setText("answerOutput", answers[index]);. This sets the text of the "answerOutput" element to the randomly selected answer from the answers array based on the new index.
    • It plays a sound effect using playSound("sound://category_pop/bubble_pop_cluster_2.mp3");. This likely gives auditory feedback that the 8-ball has been "shaken" and provided an answer.
  4. Visual and Auditory Feedback: The user will see a new answer displayed on the screen corresponding to the random selection, and they will hear a popping sound, reinforcing the interaction.

In summary, each time the user clicks on the 8-ball, they will receive a different answer from the list, accompanied by a sound. The process adds an element of surprise and interactivity to the experience of using the app.