Statistics help needed.
"college" is not a subject
Do students at various colleges differ in how sociable they are? Twenty-five
students were randomly selected from each of three colleges in a particular region
and were asked to report on the amount of time they spent socializing each
day with other students. The results for College X was a mean of 5 hours and
an estimated population variance of 2 hours; for College Y, M = 4, S2 = 1.5;
and for College Z, M = 6, S2 = 2.5. What should you conclude? Use the .05
level. (a) Use the steps of hypothesis testing, (b) figure the effect size for the
study; and (c) explain your answers to (a) and (b) to someone who has never
had a course in statistics
2 answers
Ho: μX = μY = μZ
Ho: μX ≠ μY ≠ μZ
Use three two-tailed tests (XY, XZ and YZ) for difference between means or an ANOVA. (Remember with the three tests, the probability of getting any one of them significant is now .15 [.05 + .05 + .05].)
Your explanation will probably deal with probability and chance expectations.
For you to explain it to someone without a statistics background will mean that you really understand what is happening. In my teaching, I found that, to teach a concept, I really had to understand it myself. Now you need to understand the concepts yourself. It takes a good amount of effort. Are you willing to expend the effort?
I hope this helps.
Ho: μX ≠ μY ≠ μZ
Use three two-tailed tests (XY, XZ and YZ) for difference between means or an ANOVA. (Remember with the three tests, the probability of getting any one of them significant is now .15 [.05 + .05 + .05].)
Your explanation will probably deal with probability and chance expectations.
For you to explain it to someone without a statistics background will mean that you really understand what is happening. In my teaching, I found that, to teach a concept, I really had to understand it myself. Now you need to understand the concepts yourself. It takes a good amount of effort. Are you willing to expend the effort?
I hope this helps.