Do Electronic Devices Improve Our Lives? Please help me!! Someone give me ideas!!! I have writers block, because of how many stories I do! Please Help!!! I only need ideas!!!!

4 answers

I'm an octogenarian and my computer has definitely improved my life. I can't get out much, but between Jiskha and Facebook, I get company and mental stimulation. I keep up with my family spread from coast to coast. I especially enjoy the videos and photos of my great grandchildren.
Ms. Sue- Wow you're an octogenarian! I appreciate what you do everyday on Jiskha, helping others.
Thank you.
I don't know if you'll come back to read this, but ...

1. My mother wore one of those medical alert devices while she lived in an assisted living apt. After she fell (and broke a hip), she called for help. This is done all over the country under various conditions. Life-savers.

2. With grocery stores and other places having curbside pick-up these days, and Uber and others making pick-ups and deliveries, older people can stay in their own homes longer.

There are many other examples, but all of them depend on computers in one form or another. These things have made life better in many ways.