Primary Source:
I found a primary source about the Haitian Revolution, which was a major uprising in the Americas. The source is a representation of Toussaint Louverture, the leader of the revolution, signing a document. This primary source is valuable because it provides a visual representation of an important figure in the uprising. It can give insights into the time period, the appearance of the leader, and the significance of the revolution.
Link to the primary source:
Secondary Source:
For the secondary source, I found an academic article titled "Resistance and Rebellion in the Early Spanish Empire" by Matthew Restall. This source provides a comprehensive analysis of various uprisings and resistance movements in the Spanish colonies of the Americas during the early period of colonization. The article discusses the motivations, strategies, and outcomes of these resistance movements, providing a broader understanding of the topic.
Link to the secondary source:
Do a web search and research a primary and secondary source about uprisings and
resistance in the Americas. Explain what you found and why you chose it. Provide a
link of your source.
1 answer