DNA was collected from 100 people and subjected to a restriction digest with BamHI. These samples were then analyzed using Stouthern blots. Three different patterns of hybridization were seen on the blots: 56 samples showed a single band of 6.3kb, 6 samples showed a single band of 4.1kb, and 38 showed both the 6.3 and 4.1 kb bands.

Use the chi square test to determine whether or not this population is in Hard-Weinberg equilibrium.

Someone please guide me how to start working on this problem. Thanks

6/100, or 0.06 had only one allele, so they are, for example, cc. So, 0.06 is q^2. 56/100, or 0.56 are another allele, so, .56 is p^2. And the one with the mixed alleles is 2pq. So, remember, to satisfy Hardy-Weinberg, p + q = 1, and p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1.