dividend: the number that is divided by another number in a division problem

divisor: the number that is divided into another number in a division problem
estimate: to form an approximate opinion of worth, amount, size, or weight
quotient: the answer to a division problem

1 answer

It looks like you're providing definitions for terms related to division in mathematics. Here’s a summary of what you've defined:

  • Dividend: The number that is being divided in a division operation. For example, in the division problem \( 12 \div 3 \), 12 is the dividend.

  • Divisor: The number by which the dividend is divided. In the example \( 12 \div 3 \), 3 is the divisor.

  • Estimate: To make an approximate judgment or calculation regarding the value or size of something. In division, this might involve rounding numbers to simplify the operation for a quick calculation.

  • Quotient: The result of the division operation. In the example \( 12 \div 3 \), the quotient is 4.

If you need further explanations, applications, or examples regarding these terms, feel free to ask!