Divide the sentence into Subject and Predicate. Highlight the simple subject and verb.

1. Our ice box, our cellar shelves, were full of food.
2. We ate candy all day long.
3. My favorite was buttercream with a hazelnut inside.
4. At home, I frantically dug for hazelnut buttercreams.
5. The urge would strike him suddenly.
6. On the way to the pickle place, I was not allowed to snatch anything.
7. Uri usually took things from store shelves and counters.
8. I would shrug.
"I just do it.
10.1 would feel like a buttercream with a hazelnut heart.

2 answers

y’all i really don’t understand subject and predicate i never really did i just frl need help
It would be amazing if someone would❤️
Subjects are simply the person or thing that is doing something in active English sentences.
Study this before you dive into your sentences.
2. We ate candy all day long.
Who is doing something? We <~~the subject
The rest of the sentence is the predicate: ate candy all day long
In the predicate, the verb is the action word. What did we do? ate

8. I would shrug.
Who is doing something? I
The rest of the sentence is the predicate — and in this case, the rest of the sentence is also the simple verb: would shrug

Now you try some.