In order to divide decimals and fractions, follow these steps:
1. Convert the decimal to a fraction by placing the decimal over a power of 10. For example, 0.5 would become 5/10 or 1/2.
2. Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. The reciprocal of a fraction is found by flipping the numerator and denominator. For example, if you have 1/3 ÷ 2/5, the reciprocal of 2/5 is 5/2.
3. Multiply the numerators of the fractions together, and multiply the denominators together. This will give you the new numerator and denominator of the fraction.
4. Simplify the fraction if possible. If the numerator and denominator have a common factor, divide both by that factor until no more can be divided.
Here is an example:
0.6 ÷ 1/4
Step 1: Convert 0.6 to a fraction: 0.6 = 6/10 = 3/5
Step 2: Multiply 3/5 by the reciprocal of 1/4, which is 4/1.
Step 3: Multiply the numerators and denominators: (3/5) * (4/1) = (3*4) / (5*1) = 12/5
Step 4: Simplify the fraction: 12/5 = 2 2/5
So, 0.6 ÷ 1/4 = 2 2/5.
Divide Decimals & Fractions Quick Check
7 answers
question is What is the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25?
To find the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25, follow these steps:
1. Write down the dividend (−1011) and the divisor (−25) in long division format.
-25 | -1011
2. Start dividing by how many times the divisor evenly divides into the first digit of the dividend. In this case, −25 divides into −10 zero times, so write a 0 above the line.
-25 | -1011
3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 1. Now you have −101.
-25 | -1011
4. Divide −25 into −101. In this case, −25 divides into −101 four times, so write a 4 above the line. Multiply −25 by 4, which equals −100, and write it under −101.
-25 | -1011
5. Subtract −100 from −101, which equals −1. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 1. Now you have −11.
-25 | -1011
6. Divide −25 into −11. In this case, −25 does not divide evenly into −11. However, since we are dividing negative numbers, we round up. So, −11 divided by −25 becomes 0 with a remainder of −11.
7. Write the remainder of −11 above the line.
-25 | -1011
8. The quotient of the division is 40 with a remainder of −11.
Therefore, the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25 is 40 with a remainder of −11.
1. Write down the dividend (−1011) and the divisor (−25) in long division format.
-25 | -1011
2. Start dividing by how many times the divisor evenly divides into the first digit of the dividend. In this case, −25 divides into −10 zero times, so write a 0 above the line.
-25 | -1011
3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 1. Now you have −101.
-25 | -1011
4. Divide −25 into −101. In this case, −25 divides into −101 four times, so write a 4 above the line. Multiply −25 by 4, which equals −100, and write it under −101.
-25 | -1011
5. Subtract −100 from −101, which equals −1. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 1. Now you have −11.
-25 | -1011
6. Divide −25 into −11. In this case, −25 does not divide evenly into −11. However, since we are dividing negative numbers, we round up. So, −11 divided by −25 becomes 0 with a remainder of −11.
7. Write the remainder of −11 above the line.
-25 | -1011
8. The quotient of the division is 40 with a remainder of −11.
Therefore, the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25 is 40 with a remainder of −11.
answers are
Start Fraction 4 over 11 End Fraction
negative 2 Start Fraction 3 over 11 End Fraction
2 Start Fraction 3 over 11 End Fraction
Start Fraction 4 over 11 End Fraction
negative 2 Start Fraction 3 over 11 End Fraction
2 Start Fraction 3 over 11 End Fraction
Apologies for the confusion. To find the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25, the correct answer is 40 with a remainder of −11.
So the correct answer is 40 −11/−25.
So the correct answer is 40 −11/−25.
-10/11 divided by -2/5
To divide -10/11 by -2/5, you need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
Reciprocal of -2/5 is -5/2.
So, (-10/11) ÷ (-2/5) is equal to (-10/11) * (-5/2).
Now, multiply the numerators and denominators: (-10 * -5) / (11 * 2) = 50/22.
Simplify the fraction if possible: 50/22 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2.
Dividing 50 by 2 gives 25, and dividing 22 by 2 gives 11.
So, the simplified answer is 25/11.
Reciprocal of -2/5 is -5/2.
So, (-10/11) ÷ (-2/5) is equal to (-10/11) * (-5/2).
Now, multiply the numerators and denominators: (-10 * -5) / (11 * 2) = 50/22.
Simplify the fraction if possible: 50/22 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2.
Dividing 50 by 2 gives 25, and dividing 22 by 2 gives 11.
So, the simplified answer is 25/11.