To divide 11 by -4, you can use long division or a calculator.
Using long division, you would set up the division as follows:
-4 | 11
Since -4 is not a factor of 11, you need to express 11 as a multiple of -4 plus a remainder. To do this, you would divide the absolute values of 11 and -4:
-4 | 11
Subtracting -8 from 11, you get:
-4 | 11
Therefore, 11 divided by -4 is equal to -2 with a remainder of 3. This can be written as a mixed number by expressing the remainder as a fraction over the divisor -4:
-2 + 3/-4
Simplifying the fraction, you get:
-2 - 3/4
Hence, 11 divided by -4 as a mixed number is -2 3/4.
divide 11 by -4 write as a mixed number
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