China's response to the expansion of European powers into East Asia in the nineteenth century was primarily focused on isolating itself from foreign influence. They adopted a policy of self-imposed isolation known as the "Closed Country Policy" or the "Isolationist Policy" (Sakoku). This policy limited trade and contact with the outside world and tried to preserve Chinese cultural and political traditions. China viewed foreigners as barbarians and saw their presence as a threat to their traditional values and power.
On the other hand, Japan had a different response to the expansion of European powers. Japan recognized the military and technological advancements that the Europeans possessed and realized that isolation was not a viable long-term solution. In response, Japan embarked on a process of modernization and industrialization known as the Meiji Restoration. The Meiji government introduced various reforms, such as the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, military modernization, educational reforms, and the development of industrial infrastructure. Japan actively sought to learn from and adopt Western practices and technologies to resist European domination and become a strong modern nation.
While both China and Japan initially tried to resist European expansion, Japan's approach of modernization and industrialization ultimately enabled them to fend off European powers and even become an imperial power themselves. In contrast, China's isolationist policy and resistance to change left them vulnerable to European colonization and resulted in the "Century of Humiliation" for China.
Distinguish between the response of China and Japan to the expansion of European powers into East Asia in the nineteenth century.
China and Japan both embraced the expansion of European powers
China and Japan both embraced the expansion of European powers
China and Japan both tried to isolate themselves
China and Japan both tried to isolate themselves
China and Japan both modernized and industrialized to resist European powers
China and Japan both modernized and industrialized to resist European powers
China tried to isolate itself while Japan modernized and industrialized to resist European powers
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